The "Sirens" episode of Ulysses is set in the Concert Room of the Ormond Quay Hotel, 11 Upper Ormond Quay overlooking the River Liffey . In each episode there is an "Art" and an "Organ, and in this episode "Music is the "Art" and the "Ear" is the Organ. This episode especially lends itself to being read aloud, because of its embedded musicality. The time is 4 P.M., which is the time of the assignation of Molly Bloom and Blazes Boylan. The Sirens are the two barmaids; Miss Lydia Douce (bronze) and Miss Mina Kennedy (gold). The barmaids do, in manner of speaking, act as seductresses, sometimes with comical results. Leopold Bloom is present, but does not come under the thrall of either of the barmaids.