The following passage from The Picture of Dorian Gray sums up Wilde’s rise and fall. He more than anyone characterized the last decade of the nineteenth century—the Fin de siècle decade. However, his imprisonment (1895-1897) was hard on him and he lived only three years after his release. He died in the year 1900 at the age of 46. So Wilde met his end of the world (Fin du globe) too early.
“Nowadays all the married men live like bachelors,
and all the bachelors like married men."
"Fin de siècle," murmured Lord Henry.
"Fin du globe," answered his hostess.
"I wish it were fin du globe," said Dorian with a sigh.
"Life is a great disappointment" (131).
The "disappointment" Dorian experiences is a feature of the decadence of this lifestyle. The following link tells about the Fin de siècle sub-culture.